Hypnosis for Weight Loss: How it Works, Examples, & Effectiveness

Hypnosis for Weight Loss: How it Works, Examples, & Effectiveness

Hypnosis for Weight Loss: How it Works, Examples, & Effectiveness What is Hypnotherapy? Hypnotherapy has been linked to many positive results – it is a clinically proven treatment with records of helping people overcome trauma, manage pain and work through memories. Hypnotherapy also helps people reach their long-term goals and become more discerning when it […]

Why changing your mindset is essential to the weight loss process

Why changing your mindset is essential to the weight loss process

Changing your mindset is essential to making any meaningful change. If you have the right mindset for weight loss, then you’ll be able to have more energy for exercising and eating healthier foods. The long-term goal of losing weight will be all the more achievable if you have the right approach! Changing your mindset might […]

7 Healthy Eating Habit Tips!

If you are looking for a healthy diet plan, as in someone to tell you what to eat from Monday to Sunday then this article is not for you. A healthy diet plan is important to keep your body and mind fit. But when you are running short of time, it becomes difficult to stick […]

“A Positive Mindset Matters When Trying To Make Lifestyle Changes That Will Last”

“A Positive Mindset Matters When Trying To Make Lifestyle Changes That Will Last” How to Keep Your Mindset Positive in Daily Life: The first step to a positive mindset is to think about the present moment. We often get caught up in thoughts about the past, or worries about the future. When we do this, […]

7 Ways Hypnosis Can Help You Lose Weight—Forever:

7 Ways Hypnosis Can Help You Lose Weight—Forever

7 Ways Hypnosis Can Help You Lose Weight—Forever: What is Hypnosis and Why Should You Consider Using it? Hypnosis is a state of mind where the person is more open to suggestions. This can be used to help people lose weight and control their weight. The person will be asked to focus on one thing, […]

A Beginner’s Guide to Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss

A Beginner's Guide to Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss

Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss – A Beginner’s Guide Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss is a powerful tool, which can be used to make changes in the way you think about food and your body. Hypnosis is a state of heightened focus and concentration, where you are more open to suggestions. You may be able to change […]

Menopause & Hypnotherapy

MENOPAUSE & HYPNOTHERAPY Menopause is a natural process that can be difficult for women. Many women experience weight gain, mood changes, lack of confidence, stress, anxiety and other symptoms during this time in life. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to help manage these symptoms. Some experts recommend starting an exercise routine, while others […]

Weight Loss Surgery

Weight Loss Surgery

Weight Loss Surgery Weight Loss Surgery is not a good option for people who are obese. Some people think that this is a quick and easy way to lose weight but it can put you at risk for many health problems, especially because you are not addressing the root cause to someone’s overeating patterns. We […]

Weight Loss Clinic exhibiting @ stand R73 @ Ideal Home Show Dublin 1st – 3rd April 2022

We are delighted to announce our participation at the 2022 Ideal Homes Show in the RDS April 1st – 3rd. You are welcome to visit the Permanent TSB Ideal Home Show for a weekend packed full of the inspiration, expert talks and advice, demonstrations, exciting show highlights and hundreds of exhibitors, all under one roof. […]